

  1. Physics would have been much easier if 'Tree' instead of 'Apple' had fallen on Newton's head :)
  2. SUUUP ┌∩┐(◕_◕)┌∩┐
  3. If for only 1 day the anwser was YES what would you ask me for???
  4. A duck was about to cross the road when a chicken came running up and said "Don't do it man, you will never hear the end of it!"
  5. had a super busy day today converting oxygen into carbon dioxide
  6. You can't say it to their face but you can say it to facebook...thanks facebook for opening doors of communication!
  7. I remember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof     
  8. just killed a spider for the first time without peeing myself. Thug Life !
  9. will be back in 15 minutes. If not, kindly read this once again. :P
  10. ❒ Taken ❒ Single ✔ Pimpin
  11. If the week was like a music album. i would put my 3 favorite tracks on repeat. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.    


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